Alexey Himself
1 min readMay 23, 2020


Thank you for your feedback, Travis! I am really glad when people find my sharings useful for themselves! Thank you for telling me about it! (heart)

I stopped intensively writing on Medium when Medium changed it’s politics towards paid articles. That’s why there are only a few new articles here for the last year…

Instead I started to write a book on Software Testing (it is in Russian and is called “Adequate testing: lets stop testing much and long and start testing with heart and mind?”). I also started to write it as an open source project to make it even more adequate and timeless.

Now I devote my free writing time to it. I am going to quite my job this June to relocate to the southern Russia to the Black sea coast, to the Caucasian mountains to give me more resources to write the book. It will be a book made of essays on software testing. And I am going to translate it into English later as well.

If you want, I can write you back when the English version of the book will start to appear?



Alexey Himself

I write about practical and effective techniques that help me and my colleagues in everyday software development and testing.